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Catarct Surgery in Portugal

Providing public information on cataract surgery outcomes for patients and families, healthcare professionals and the society

Cataract surgery outcomes in Portugal

Real World Evidence in Cataract Surgery in Portugal

Providing public information on cataract surgery outcomes for patients and families, healthcare professionals and the society

Real-World Evidence in Cataract Surgery in Portugal

VBHCAT - Portuguese Cataract Outcomes Program

VBHCAT - Portuguese Cataract Outcomes Program

The Portuguese Cataract Outcomes Program is a joint effort between more than 10 leading Public and Private healthcare organizations, with support from Health Cluster Portugal, to improve the quality of care of cataract surgery in high-volume centers.

On this website, we make available for the public information on the results of the Portuguese Registry of Clinical Outcomes in Cataract Surgery, including data reported by clinical teams (Clinician Reported Outcomes) and by patients (Patient-reported outcomes).

Data were collected and analysed based on international standards by Promptly Health, a Global Provider of end-to-end Real-World Evidence solutions.

The results of the Cataract Surgery can be used to identify best practices and areas for improvement in cataract surgery, as well as to monitor trends and changes in patient outcomes over time. By collecting and analysing data on patient outcomes, the registry can help to identify factors that contribute to successful surgeries, as well as those that may lead to complications or poor outcomes.

Recognition by the World Economic Forum

VBHCAT was one of the first projects to be recognized by the World Economic Forum as a Global Innovation Hub in Value in Health. Global Innovation Hubs are a community of the best examples of pilots matured to serve as proof of concept for value-based healthcare, allowing healthcare organizations to develop, disseminate and broaden the scope of their ambitious analyses.

World Economic Forum


World Economic Forum Recognition

A Portuguese cataract surgery project has been distinguished for its innovation by the World Economic Forum’s global coalition for value in healthcare.

VBHCAT is part of the Health from Portugal

VBHCAT is one of the different sub-projects of Health from Portugal, one of the Mobilizing Agendas for Business Innovation funded by the European Commission (PRR)

Project in the news

Professor Joaquim Murta of UOC – Coimbra Ophthalmology Unit, was interviewed by SIC about an innovative project carried out in Portugal that was recognized by the World Economic Forum.


The Portuguese Cataract Outcomes Program is a joint effort to improve the quality of care of cataract surgery in high-volume centers in Portugal, between a consortium of leading Public hospitals healthcare organizations (Centro Hospitalar Universitário de São João, Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Santo António, Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Coimbra, Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Norte, Instituto Gama Pinto) and Private (CUF Group - 5 Units, Coimbra Ophthalmology Unit - UOC), Health Cluster Portugal (HCP) and Promptly Health, a technological provider of end-to-end Real-World Evidence solutions.

  • logotipo promplty
  • Hospital de Braga
  • Health Cluster Portugal
  • IOGM
  • CUF
  • Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte
  • Centro Hospitalar do Porto
  • São João
  • UOC
  • CHUC


VBHCAT is conducted with funding support of industry partners and the European Commission.

  • Alcon
  • Bayer
  • Novartis
  • Roche
  • PPR
  • European Commission

Let’s talk about how we can work together