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Privacy Policy


1. Acceptance of Terms and Conditions of Use2. Using the Platform through the "Patient" Profile3. Use of the Platform through the "Medical" Profile4. Use of the Platform through the "Patient Manager"5. Accuracy and integrity of information6. Platform access7. Intellectual Property Rights8. Responsibility9. Change of Terms and Conditions of Use10. Validity of Terms and Conditions of Use11. Jurisdiction and applicable law12. Shelf life13. Communication of data14. Subcontractors15. Automated Decisions16. Cookie Policy

Use of cookies

The Cookies Policy adopted by Promptly is available in a stand-alone document that can be consulted.

Cookies (connection testimonials)

Like most websites, so that sites and Platform: (hereinafter "Sites") may function correctly, Promptly installs, on a temporary basis, on your computer or mobile device small files called cookies or connection logs.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that a website installs on your computer or mobile device when you visit it. These files allow the website to "remember" your actions and preferences, such as the username, the language chosen, the size of the characters, and other display settings for a certain period of time. That is why when you go through the pages of a site or return to a site you have visited, you do not have to re-indicate your preferences in principle.

How do we use cookies?

Promptly uses the Cookies strictly necessary in the Sites to improve the navigation in them and the efficient loading of the contents, which allows, in particular, to identify the location of contents.

Promptly also uses personalization cookies to create a repository of statistical and anonymous data about users' activity and browsing routines, with a view to analyzing and introducing site improvements to improve user access and experience. These cookies are installed by third parties. We use Google Analytics to measure traffic on our site. Google has its own Privacy Policy. If you do not want your site visits to be detected by Google Analytics, visit

It should also be noted that cookies will store the information collected by the periods of time that you can consult in your browser settings.

Cookies are stored locally in the browser as long as the User keeps the session active.

Its storage ensures the smooth operation of the platform and the optimization of navigation flows, such as the authentication token storage, user profile identification, language preference, navigation control object of the site.

How to control cookies?

Promptly will not collect any personal data from users without your prior consent. You can, the user of the data, control and/or delete the cookies you want. You can delete all cookies already installed on your computer or mobile device or activate an option available in most of the navigation programs that prevent it from being installed. In order to eliminate cookies and to activate the navigation option that prevents them from being installed, you may have to manually configure some preferences whenever you visit a site, and you must not disregard the risk of deactivating certain services and features and of difficulties in using them of the Platform.

You may accept or deny that these Sites install cookies on your computer or mobile device by clicking one of the following links: I accept the installation of cookies / I refuse the installation of cookies.

Should you wish to obtain any clarification about this Policy and modify or simply revoke the consent previously provided regarding the use of cookies in these Sites, you should contact us at the email address which is the contact of the person in charge of the protection ("Data Protection Officer" or "DPO"), by entering in the subject field "Cookies Policy" or by means of a written request addressed to Promptly - Helpdesk, to Rua das Condominhas, 15, 4150-222 Porto.

17. Security18. DPO19. Subprocessors